‘Meet Cute’ by various authors

Readers will experience Nina LaCour's beautifully written piece about two Bay Area girls meeting via a cranky customer service Tweet, Sara Shepard's glossy tale about a magazine intern and a young rock star, Nicola Yoon's imaginative take on break-ups and make-ups, Katie Cotugno's story of two teens hiding out from the police at a house … Continue reading ‘Meet Cute’ by various authors

Blog update *again*

Hi, another update for my blog. I am not going to be posting for the next few weeks because of MORE mock exams and I feel it would be too stressful to keep up with the blog and revise at the same time. These updates will be happening a lot over the 7 months to … Continue reading Blog update *again*

‘Under A Dancing Star’ by Laura Wood

In grey, 1930s England, Bea has grown up kicking against the conventions of the time, all the while knowing that she will one day have to marry someone her parents choose - someone rich enough to keep the family estate alive. But she longs for so much more - for adventure, excitement, travel, and maybe … Continue reading ‘Under A Dancing Star’ by Laura Wood