‘Notes From A Small Island’ By Bill Bryson

After nearly two decades spent on British soil, Bill Bryson – bestselling author of The Mother Tongue and Made in America-decided to return to the United States. (“I had recently read,” Bryson writes, “that 3.7 million Americans believed that they had been abducted by aliens at one time or another, so it was clear that my people needed me.”) But before departing, he set out on a grand farewell tour of the green and kindly island that had so long been his home.

I was recommend this book by my Head of English at school before we left for lock down and gave me his personal copy. To begin with I wasn’t very optimistic about the book as I have never really enjoyed reading about other peoples journeys/road trips but Bill Bryson skillfully mixes comedy into his stories which make them a lot more enjoyable.

‘Notes from a small island’ is a documentary of Bill Brysons journey through England as he takes one last look at the highs and lows of the small country before he moves back to America with his wife and children. He reminisces on past events from when he first moved to England and then recreates those memories as he journeys across the country again. Staying at small bed and breakfasts, learning about the people of England, the weird habits they have and walking through the beautiful scenery of the country.

Bill Bryson mixes his real experiences together from his first adventures in the places of England to the last ones to create this gorgeous book that takes you through how quickly places can change but also how things also sty the same. It was quite strange to read about England from and American view as I have never seen it as anything weird or different as it is all i know. But Bill Bryson shows us what its like to be new to England and all the funny things we say or do that are so odd to the outside world. I really enjoyed how funny a lot of the experiences he describes are as he meets new people and has to cope with little sleep in bed and breakfasts and long journeys as he travels through the country.

I would really recommend this book to anyone who wants to read about the funny experiences of a foreigner in England. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will definitely be reading more by Bill Bryson in the future.

Rating: 3.5 pink pyjamas

Authors twitter: @billbrysonn

Publishers Twitter: @DoubledayUK

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