‘Eye of the world’ by Robert Jordan

The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again.

But one truth remains, and what mortal men forget, the Aes Sedai do not . . .

What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

I’ve been mixing up the types of books I have been reading lately, I came to a realisation I only ever read Romance and Dystopian type novels, so I decided to ask my friends and family what new books I should try that they really enjoyed, to broaden my reading.

‘Eye of the world’ is the first book in the 14 book long ‘Wheel of time’ series. It follows three main boys from a small area called the Two Rivers, Rand, Matt and Perrin. All the boys had ever know was farming and the small social events of the village they live in. But when Rand starts seeing a shadowed figure the boys realize their lives will never be the same. The Dark One is after them and he will stop at nothing until he gets his grip on their minds. So they turn to an Aes Sedai, a powered woman, and her warder, Lan, for help with two other tag alongs Egwene and Nyneave. The seven of them then go on a journey across the world to try to find an area of safety away from the eyes of the Dark one. But that may not be as easy as it seems and when they are constantly in danger, the boys begin to wonder why they ever left the comfort of their homes.

Before I even begin to talk about my opinions I want people to understand how long this book took me to read… a 6 weeks! And yes I know a lot of people normally read an average sized book in this time maybe longer, but the mega book fans out there will understand when you get really into a book you expect to finish it within a fortnight at the most. However, although I was so gripped into the plot and characters of this book, I had to take my time and absorb everything going on. ‘Eye of the world’ is one of those books you can’t just skim, as ever page and nearly every-line has some major importance that will become understood/link to later events. Now the characters, I had a love hate relationship with a lot of these, at times I was in love with them and their depth and emotions and other times I wanted to shout at my kindle about how dumb they were being. Especially Matt, one of the three main boys, to put it bluntly I hated him, but that didn’t mean I hated reading about him. I feel in books you always need one or two characters you don’t like otherwise the book would be boring. I don’t want to explain why I feel this was as I’ll give away major parts of the plot that would ruin the book for you, but I hated him. The descriptions in this book where honestly astonishing, I cannot express how much I envy Robert Jordan for his talent at setting a scene. It’s so vividly constructed in your mind that it almost tricks you into believing its a real place he must have been to. At multiple times I was inspired to write my own descriptions in his style, I did not do it well. I will 100% be continuing this series as I want to learn more about the boys and see them through new adventures.

Rating: Plot- 5 pink pyjamas Characters-4 pink pyjamas Setting-5 pink pyjamas

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