‘Has anyone seen my sex life’ by Kristen Bailey

I wake up, bleary-eyed.

It’s been two years, six months and three hours since I last shaved my legs, and the llama-patterned knickers I’m wearing have seen better days.

We have seven minutes before the kids wake up, and my husband shuffles closer. ‘Ouch,’ he says, a piece of Lego sticking into his back.

Then, a light comes on in the landing. Small footsteps creep down the stairs. A little voice screams, ‘IS SOMEONE COMING TO MAKE BREAKFAST?!’

All hopes of having some ‘alone time’ is replaced with wondering if we’ve run out of Cheerios, thinking about the overflowing laundry, and remembering that I forgot to take out the recycling. Again.

Just a typical Monday morning for the Morton family…

Except today, when I go downstairs in my dressing gown, I find something. Something belonging to my husband. Something that definitely wasn’t mentioned in the wedding vows. And it’s either going to make us… or break us.


I think I may have discovered my new favorite author. Genuinely I don’t think I have every laughed so much whilst reading as I did with this book. Kristen Bailey is truely talented as she managed to make the smallest of actions absolutely hilarious. ‘Has anyone seen my sex life?’ is filled with innuendo, humor, romance and the reality of adult life which will have you either laughing or crying at every page.

‘Has anyone seen my sex life?’ follows Meg and Danny Morton, a married couple who live a very typical life of every parent, trying to live within the chaos of children. Their old life has been forgotten as they are lost caring for their three girls; Tess, Eve and Polly. However, when Meg opens a package for Danny, she uncovers a secret that could make or break them. Having to cope with her new discovery and continue as the mother she needs to be, Meg is forced to question everything she knew about Danny and the ultimate stability of their relationship.

Wow. Wow. Wow. I devoured this book. It was incredible. I don’t usually like chick-flick’s, as I prefer them in film form, but because I was on holiday I wanted something light and entertaining. This hit its mark completely.

The thing that blew this away was how it was based purely on real-life. Real problems. Real parenting. Realistic people. Kristen Bailey in no way sugar-coated the characters or their lives which made it so much more hilarious because I know many families who are exact replicas of the Morton’s (excluding, of course, the Captain Mintcake shenanigans.)

Filled with innuendo’s this book had me cackling at ever page. I love how openly Bailey speaks about the subject of sex and highlights the normality of it in every relationship, while creating absolutely hilarious scenarios and jokes. However, this was not only a comedic story, it held a lot of very deep and meaningful comments on marriage, love and parenthood, giving it layers and realism.

This book is for anyone who enjoys romantic-comedies, laugh-out loud moments, and a story of real life.


Characters- 5 pink pyjamas

Plot- 5 pink pyjamas

Setting- 4 pink pyjamas

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