‘Sex Ed’ by Kristen Bailey

Ed is a virgin. I didn’t know those existed – not at our age anyway. Maybe he was so drunk that he forgot all the times he’s had sex. I wish I could get that drunk.

Mia and Ed have been best friends ever since they began teaching at the same school. Ed bakes cake for the staff, Mia eats the cakes. Ed can’t control his students, Mia sorts them out. Mia can’t work the photocopier, Ed shows her how.

Mia’s love life might be chaotic but she’s totally devoted to her super-tidy, cat-owning, geeky but not bad-looking best friend. So, when Mia discovers Ed is still a virgin at twenty-eight, she decides to take matters into her own hands and teach him the skills he needs to seduce the pretty new maths teacher, Caitlin.

It’s an education that involves panic-buying sex toys and buddy-watching porn, and when Ed graduates with an A+ for effort – and begins dating the perfect-on-paper Caitlin – Mia knows her work is done.

But is Caitlin as sweet as she seems? And could Mia’s feelings for Ed be stronger than she realised?


This book had me in a choke-hold from the first page. Like I said in my review of ‘Have you seen my sex life?’ Kristen Bailey has quickly become one of, if not, my favorite author’s. Her writing is incredible and the light-hearted comedy which flows though continuously makes me smile to myself, reading snippets to my friends which we all giggle over.

‘Sex Ed’ follows biology teacher Ed and his best friend Mia. Whilst Mia has had her fair share of dodgy one-night stands and outstanding shags, Ed has had none. He is a 28 year old virgin. Its not that he doesn’t want sex, he very much does. But instead he has never felt it was the right time, or the right person. But, once he reveals this to Mia on a drunken night out alongside his crush for a new maths teacher Caitlin, Mia makes it her mission to give Ed a personal sex education. As the friends grow closer and Ed’s education gets in full swing, Mia questions her feelings for him whilst Ed focuses his new found knowledge on Caitlin. It is a story of sex, friendship, love and betrayal.

First off, Ed was adorable. He was one of those characters that I wish was real so I could just give him a hug and be his best friend. He was so kind, caring and hilariously innocent. The contrast between him and Mia made the most amazing friendship, whilst Mia is also kind, she is fierce, chaotic and filled with innuendo. I absolutely adored her.

The friend- lovers trope has to be one of my favorites just because I love reading the development and growth of love between two individuals. But Kristen Bailey does not stick to the typical notion of this trope but adds problems and confusion within, creating a much more realistic image, adding depth and a personal twist to the cliche often used.

Again, much like the previous book I read by Kristen Bailey, it had me in howls of laughter. She is honestly a genius and could quite easily ditch her career as a writer and start stand-up comedy instead. I particularly enjoyed the realism of the characters. Both Ed and Mia were completely well-rounded, they both had major flaws which came between them and their desires. But the way Kristen Bailey manages to create such a incredible relationship between them is something many writers would be envious of. They perfectly balanced out one another great qualities and imperfections. I loved the romance and connection which bloomed between them on the pages, and the lessons both learnt from being completely vulnerable with one another reflecting the reality of love and relationships.

I would highly recommend this book to all who want a light but highly entertaining read.


Characters- 5 pink pyjamas

Plot- 5 pink pyjamas

Setting- 4 pink pyjamas

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