
My name is Emma and I am a teenager still at school with a slight obsession with reading! I have had this obsession since I was about eight, the hype of Twilight got me hooked. Before I hated reading and would much rather sit in front of the TV or play outside but now I always have a book on me and read in every spare second I can find. My obsession comes from my Mum who is the exact same as me and we often sit next to each other in silence but far away completely absorbed into whatever world we are exploring that day.

My favorite thing to do with a book is get into cosy pyjamas, snuggle up under a blanket with a cup of tea and read!

A few things you need to know about the blog:

  • Firstly, I am still in school so am juggling both this and my school work which means that my posts might not be as frequent as other bloggers or as detailed but I will try to post as much as I can.
  • Secondly, I have a rating system which is out of 5 pink pyjamas where I will rate each book at the end of the review to let you know how I got on with it.

Girl In The Pink Pyjamas was created out of my sheer love for books and the fact that I enjoy telling people about them- which seems to annoy my parents and friends quite alot!

I need to give credit to my Mum for pushing me to start this blog. She continually gets bombarded with me raving about whatever book I have at the time and has to listen to me drone on about the same series or character. So, I think as a way to give her peace, she told me to start a blog where I could put all of my thoughts for other people to read. And here it is!

Finally, I need to give a huge thank you to Mel from Chapter and Cake I would not have done this without her! Thank you. (make sure you go and look at her blog the link is here. https://chapterandcake.com/ )